Your Karma and Your Life
Your karma or deeds have a major impact on your life. Karma, basically, is a word from Sanskrit, the oldest spoken language on earth. Karma enunciates your doings, whether good or bad. The theory of karma says, “Your deeds will decide your destiny and peace.” Indians also believe in the theory of Reincarnation or Punar-Janma. The theory of reincarnation is co-related to the theory of karma. According to Indian mythological texts, “You reincarnate right according to your doings of the present life.” As You Sow, So Shall You Reap Happiness and peace are two of the most important things, which a man keeps on hunting his entire life. His peace, joy and happiness too depend on his karma. The sweetness of your life can only be achieved by leading a selfless life. Live Happy & Make People Happy To receive blessings from everyone you meet, you should never act selfishly with them. Being selfish can give you a momentary happiness, but helping others with selfless desires will give you everlasting joy and happiness. Karma Never Forgets Anyone If you feel that the wrongdoers are the happiest people on earth, do remember that karma will once come at their doorstep. And that will be their moment, when they will meet their real destiny. Never Misuse Anyone Using people for your own good too is considered bad karma. Not only it will give them pain, but you will also lose them, when they will come to know of it. Eat Healthy Eat Simple Being simple, being healthy is the cure. You can do a research online to know about nutrition and diet facts. If you do not want to harm anyone with your karma, you must try to focus your life on being simple. Think before you speak. To stay attuned with your karma, live the life as per your...
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