Everything You Need to Know About Karma
Karma is a very ancient concept. It is a Sanskrit word that means “action”, “act” and “word”. It is a combination of your thoughts, actions and words and it is basically a chain effect. There are many people who do not believe in Karma. On the other hand, there are also people who believe in it call it a “bitch”. Well, that is a different topic, but if you are here to understand Karma, then you need to know that you may or may not experience the effect of your action or words immediately. Karma is not something that is written in a book and neither it is a law that everyone studies about. It is considered to be a cosmic occurrence which is applicable for one and all. Karma is a concept that helps us transform into a better person. It tries to evolve our soul so that we can lead a positive life. The main thing about Karma is it does not come in any form. The things you do will come back to you in some way or the other. If you are doing well to someone or contributing to doing well for people, then you will get good results in your life. You may not be successful in the endeavor, but the good results will come in a different form that is unexpected to you. This is how Karma works. Similarly, if you are doing something bad or harming someone for no reason, Karma has an answer to that as well. You are bound to face some mishap in the near future for the bad deeds. If you want to understand Karma in simple terms, it is like a balance sheet where the left hand side will match with the right hand side. Similarly, the things or deeds you do in your life are balanced equally. Doing good will have an equally good effect whereas doing something bad will have an equally bad effect. So, after you have read the above mentioned things you may think that it is not always possible to do good things. Because, there are times when you have to be bad for a good outcome. These are things that are not in your hands. The only thing that you need to be aware of is your input to the world and how you are treating everyone around. Depending on that the laws of Karma will...
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