Everything You Need to Know About Karma
Karma is a very ancient concept. It is a Sanskrit word that means “action”, “act” and “word”. It is a combination of your thoughts, actions and words and it is basically a chain effect. There are many people who do not believe in Karma. On the other hand, there are also people who believe in it call it a “bitch”. Well, that is a different topic, but if you are here to understand Karma, then you need to know that you may or may not experience the effect of your action or words immediately. Karma is not something that is written in a book and neither it is a law that everyone studies about. It is considered to be a cosmic occurrence which is applicable for one and all. Karma is a concept that helps us transform into a better person. It tries to evolve our soul so that we can lead a positive life. The main thing about Karma is it does not come in any form. The things you do will come back to you in some way or the other. If you are doing well to someone or contributing to doing well for people, then you will get good results in your life. You may not be successful in the endeavor, but the good results will come in a different form that is unexpected to you. This is how Karma works. Similarly, if you are doing something bad or harming someone for no reason, Karma has an answer to that as well. You are bound to face some mishap in the near future for the bad deeds. If you want to understand Karma in simple terms, it is like a balance sheet where the left hand side will match with the right hand side. Similarly, the things or deeds you do in your life are balanced equally. Doing good will have an equally good effect whereas doing something bad will have an equally bad effect. So, after you have read the above mentioned things you may think that it is not always possible to do good things. Because, there are times when you have to be bad for a good outcome. These are things that are not in your hands. The only thing that you need to be aware of is your input to the world and how you are treating everyone around. Depending on that the laws of Karma will...
Read MoreLive and Let Live – The Best Karma
This is your life and yours alone. You can choose your actions and make your own decisions. You are free to live the way you want. Also, it’s important to let others live the way they prefer to. Most people are quick to judge other’s life choices without allowing others to interfere in their own. The new mantra is “Live and let Live”, which expresses the idea that everyone should be able to lead their lives in the manner they wish to. Karma is a deed and follows the philosophy that when you do good deeds, you get good karma and future happiness. While if you do bad deeds, the bad will come back to you somehow. There are some living beings that are constantly looked down upon by some groups. People with different interests – People tend to look down on gays and their life choices as if they are doing something horrible. One must learn how to accept people with different choices and respect them. Animals – Animals suffer the most. Humans tend to torture animals for their own benefit, including invading the forests and building cities there. They kill animals for their hunting hobbies and wear their skin as a show-off. People of different races and castes – Just because some people are from different castes or are a different color, doesn’t make one superior and other inferior. The caste system and ranking is manmade, for their own benefit, it does not give any right to put someone down. You have the right to live freely, but not the right to cut others wings. For all you know, what goes around comes around and that is the power of...
Read MoreYour Karma and Your Life
Your karma or deeds have a major impact on your life. Karma, basically, is a word from Sanskrit, the oldest spoken language on earth. Karma enunciates your doings, whether good or bad. The theory of karma says, “Your deeds will decide your destiny and peace.” Indians also believe in the theory of Reincarnation or Punar-Janma. The theory of reincarnation is co-related to the theory of karma. According to Indian mythological texts, “You reincarnate right according to your doings of the present life.” As You Sow, So Shall You Reap Happiness and peace are two of the most important things, which a man keeps on hunting his entire life. His peace, joy and happiness too depend on his karma. The sweetness of your life can only be achieved by leading a selfless life. Live Happy & Make People Happy To receive blessings from everyone you meet, you should never act selfishly with them. Being selfish can give you a momentary happiness, but helping others with selfless desires will give you everlasting joy and happiness. Karma Never Forgets Anyone If you feel that the wrongdoers are the happiest people on earth, do remember that karma will once come at their doorstep. And that will be their moment, when they will meet their real destiny. Never Misuse Anyone Using people for your own good too is considered bad karma. Not only it will give them pain, but you will also lose them, when they will come to know of it. Eat Healthy Eat Simple Being simple, being healthy is the cure. You can do a research online to know about nutrition and diet facts. If you do not want to harm anyone with your karma, you must try to focus your life on being simple. Think before you speak. To stay attuned with your karma, live the life as per your...
Read MoreThe meaning of life
Everybody it seems wants to know the hidden meaning of life these days. Why are they here, what is the purpose of life, what is their duty in life; these are all questions for which they wish to have answers. There are many websites that talk extensively about what the religious texts have to say about life and the world we live in. Hinduism is one religion that is talked about a lot, since much research has been done by its scholars into these aspects. Maybe the concepts of Karma and Dharma might just give us insights into the world around...
Read MoreAs you sow, you shall reap
This famous saying aptly describes the effects of our actions in our life. Depending on your actions, your life’s progress is determined. Sometimes, in a fast paced world that we live in, we forgot to earn our good karma, be kind and generous to people and spread love around. We are so engrossed in ourselves and our own desires that we forget the world outside. Such selfish behaviour adds to your bad karma and leads to a disappointing future. On the other hand, if you work tediously towards helping others and being kind and polite in all your actions, you will see the positive effect of karma in your...
Read MoreLetting Karma Influence Your Life For Good
While some people believe in accountability, the principle of Karma goes beyond that by emphasizing the results of accountability. Sourced from the Bhagavad Gita, the principle of Karma goes on to define all that a person does, thinks and experiences. While the principle of Karma is essentially related to Hinduism, learning more about what it involves can benefit everyone. The way of life that is the result of knowledge of Karma can lead to crucial changes in people of all walks of life and all backgrounds. At Karma Knowledge, you can find out more about the principles of Karma and choose your course of life...
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