Theory of Karma
All the Hindus in the world are well aware of the ‘Geeta Saar’ which has been mentioned in the holy book “Bhagwad Gita”. The holy book compiles the lessons given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battle ground of Kurukshetra. Geeta Saar says “Karma kiye jaa phal ki icchcha mat kar” which means you must focus on doing your best and let your actions decide the outcome. ‘Karma’ means the doings and actions; be it good or bad. Our universe is governed by the law of Karma which works on the concept of “Jo Jas Karai so tas fal chakha” which means as you sow, so shall you reap. Man is born on earth to perform some good deeds. Based on his doings, man reaps the results accordingly. Less the number of sins performed by a man in his present life, the better life he will get in his next birth. This law is universal and is not only applicable to Hindus but to all the creatures on earth. Every creature doing the wrong deeds will definitely be punished by God sometime in his life. If not in his present life, he will have to pay for his sins in his next life and this will continue until and unless that person has paid for all his sins of past lives. In a similar manner, a pious person doing all the good deeds will be rewarded accordingly by God. He will definitely lead a better life in his next births. What Bhagwad Geeta says is that all persons must focus on doing actions and it’s their inner conscious which will tell them what is good and what is bad. Whatever you do, leave the results to God as he is the one who will either punish you or reward you for your deeds. Your task is only to perform the action and the rest would be taken care of by the ultimate supreme power. According to the Law of Karma, one will achieve salvation (get rid of cycle of rebirths) once he has paid for all his sins pending from past lives. For in depth knowledge about the theory Karma, the process of rebirths, and the law of karma governing the universe, you can explore the website of ‘’, which is an organization that helps people find the right paths of...
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