Karma is nothing but action. In simple words you can say that Karma is similar to Newton’s law ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ When we speak, think and act, the opposite forces react in a similar way and come back to us. There is no reason to be afraid of Karma. All it says is that if you spread happiness, you would get the same in return. Here are three basic karmic laws that individuals should keep in mind throughout their life. These laws will help you to grow and prosper in life.
1. Law of Cause and effect – The law of Karma teaches us to be good and peaceful with other people. According to the law, giving more to others will revert more to you. Hence, the more happiness and love you give to others, the more it comes back to you. There is a cause and effect relationship which is attached here. Hence, this law can be called as a boon in disguise to human population.
2. Law of Creation – This law gives rise to law of creation. All the humans on the planet are not born talented or millionaire. One needs to develop or create their skills in order to be successful in life. Hence, participating in life’s activity creates new avenues. Following this law in life will give you growth and prosperity.
3. Law of Negativity – In the famous book ‘The Secret’ by Rhode Bryne, he mentions that more you refuse to do a particular thing; the more it happens with you. Human mind does not understand positive or negative and hence attracts what you think the most. Hence, refusal also plays an important part in Karmic laws. So, saying you do not want one thing will attract the same; hence start saying things positively. This will help to develop a positive attitude towards your life too.
All of the above laws help you to be a better person in life. We, at karma-knowledge, ensure that the above laws are instilled in you, thus making the entire world a better place to live in.
Things you should know about Karma
Posted by karma in Applying Karma theory
Karma is nothing but action. In simple words you can say that Karma is similar to Newton’s law ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ When we speak, think and act, the opposite forces react in a similar way and come back to us. There is no reason to be afraid of Karma. All it says is that if you spread happiness, you would get the same in return. Here are three basic karmic laws that individuals should keep in mind throughout their life. These laws will help you to grow and prosper in life.
1. Law of Cause and effect – The law of Karma teaches us to be good and peaceful with other people. According to the law, giving more to others will revert more to you. Hence, the more happiness and love you give to others, the more it comes back to you. There is a cause and effect relationship which is attached here. Hence, this law can be called as a boon in disguise to human population.
2. Law of Creation – This law gives rise to law of creation. All the humans on the planet are not born talented or millionaire. One needs to develop or create their skills in order to be successful in life. Hence, participating in life’s activity creates new avenues. Following this law in life will give you growth and prosperity.
3. Law of Negativity – In the famous book ‘The Secret’ by Rhode Bryne, he mentions that more you refuse to do a particular thing; the more it happens with you. Human mind does not understand positive or negative and hence attracts what you think the most. Hence, refusal also plays an important part in Karmic laws. So, saying you do not want one thing will attract the same; hence start saying things positively. This will help to develop a positive attitude towards your life too.
All of the above laws help you to be a better person in life. We, at karma-knowledge, ensure that the above laws are instilled in you, thus making the entire world a better place to live in.